Sunday, January 22, 2006

Miracles & Truths

Miracle - God Himself descends from On High, trailing Clouds of Glory, to show me where my lost keys are.

Lesser Miracle - Aaron remembers seeing them and Scott drives to their last known location and is able to locate them in a darkened theater.

Dubious Miracle - I manage not to lose them in the first place.

Miracle - A man on heroin has a vision, wherein an angel instructs him not to get into a particular vehicle. Moments later, the vehicle - whose driver is also high - loses a brief but nasty battle with a tractor trailer. The man's life is spared and he quits cold turkey.

Lesser Miracle - A woman losing a twenty year battle with alcoholism is convinced by a church-going neighbor to enter yet another program. This one works.

Dubious Miracle - A fatherless youth raised in a poverty-stricken neighborhood is able to complete high school and college without ever wrestling with an addiction.

From a certain perspective every good thing is a miracle, divinely wrought in our lives through means both holy and mundane

Divine Revelation - God Himself descends from On High, trailing Clouds of Glory, to tell me which of several jobs I should take.

Lesser Revelation - An offhand comment by a friend inspires me to scan one more time over the want-ads, where I notice for the first time the Perfect Job. I fly through the interview and begin my lifelong career as an obscenely over-paid brownie taster.

Dubios Revelation - My friend and I pour over the paper together, and she points out a job to me that I had missed.

From a certain perspective, are all truths "revealed truths," shown to us at the proper time through means both holy and mundane?


At 10:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"When one sees something as good, evil is created in the world." -- Tao of Pug

Finally, I read from someone who realizes that everything that makes your life work come from Him.

Oddly enough, found this by reading the google blog entry on their DoJ response, it showed a link to your LJ, and since I'm an LJ user and nosey, I hopped to your personal website - a blogger blog!

I don't post anything dealing with faith on my blog, but I've been considering doing such. I may just start after reading yours.

I'm glad you saw the truth in December.. Welcome home!

At 1:55 AM, Blogger tali said...

i used to post faith-based stuff on my LJ (don't bother looking for it, it's mostly crap) but i got tired of pointless and potentially destructive arguments with my non-christian friends. hence the seperate blog.

y'know - i didn't even know google provided links to their linkers? interesting.


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