Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Pleasing God

My last boyfriend and I had one major problem - I never got any feedback. Period. Now mind you, I don't say this to denegrate him - he's a very nice person. But after a while, I stopped trying to do things for him, because I never had anyway to know if I'd done something right or not. How many times does a guy send flowers to a girl who never says "thank you"?

I want to do things for God, I do. Call it gratitude, call it love, whatever. But how do I know if what I offer him is pleasing to him? Sure, it'll be pleasing in the way that a four-year-old's crayon magnum opus is pleasing to his parents, but still. How do I know? I'm afraid that - without feedback - I'll get to that same point where I just give up.



At 12:44 PM, Blogger brendar said...

Tali, what is it (as if it were any of my business) that you have offered him? If it is anything other that your total self than he won't be pleased. Pleasing God is its own reward.

At 5:37 PM, Blogger tali said...

lol - by entering it into a public forum i make it everybody's business.

item 1: not looking for a reward, hope i didn't give that impression.

item 2: looking more towards those situations where the right path isn't clear


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